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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of enrolled patients

From: Tumor aggression among hepatitis-C related hepatocellular carcinoma patients: an observational study regarding the impact of anti-HCV therapy



Sex (M) (%)

108 (63.2)

Age (yr) (mean ± SD)

57.72 ± 7.95

Tobacco Consumers (yes) (%)

98 (57.3)

Cirrhosis (yes) (%)

171 (100)

DM (yes) (%)

52 (30.4)

Mode of HCC Diagnosis

 Symptomatic (%)

146 (85.4)

 Incidental (%)

16 (9.4)

 Screening (%)

9 (5.2)

TH Patients (%)

51 (29.8)

 INF-α based treatment (with or without Ribavirin) (%)

19 (37.3)

 DAA based treatment (%)

32 (62.7)

Duration between HCV treatment and HCC diagnosis (months) (mean ± SD)

34.55 ± 30.13

 Duration between treatment with IFN and HCC (months) (mean ± SD)

70.74 ± 15.03

 Duration between treatment with DAA and HCC (months) (mean ± SD)

13.05 ± 7.35

AgI score of HCV Treatment Naïve Group (median, range)

6.0 (4–12)

AgI score of HCV Treatment Group (median, range)

8.0 (4–11)

  1. TH Treated for HCV infection using interferon/DAA based regimens (n = 51); DM Diabetes Mellitus; HCV Hepatitis-C Virus; INF-α Interferon-alpha; DAA Direct Acting Anti-virals (including: sofosbuvir and/or daclatasvir); AgI Aggressiveness Index (sum of score) = Maximum Tumor Diameter (MTD) (in tertiles): MTD <  4.5; 4.5 = MTD = 9.6; MTD >  9.6; scores 1, 2, 3 respectively; Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (cut-off): AFP <  100; 100 = AFP = 1000; AFP >  1000; scores 1, 2, 3 respectively; Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT) (no/yes): PVT (no); PVT (yes); scores 1, 3 respectively; nodules (number): Nodules = 3; nodules > 3; scores 1, 3 respectively