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Table 1 Risk analysis for the expression of miR-23b in cervical tissues

From: miR-23b as a potential tumor suppressor and its regulation by DNA methylation in cervical cancer

Expression of miR-23b

Clinical diagnosis

OR (95 % CI)

Value of p

SILs (n = 26)

Cervical Cancer (n = 28)

Low level

2 (7.7 %)

21 (75 %)

36 (6.7-192.6)


High level

24 (92.3 %)

7 (25 %)


  1. SIL LSIL + HSIL, OR Odds ratio
  2. 95 % confidence interval
  3. *Reference value
  4. The bold data indicate the frequency of the expression level found in premalignant lesions and cervical cancer.