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Table 1 Clinicopathological features of patients with HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma

From: Prognostic factors in patients with HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma following hepatic resection



Gender, n (%) (total cohort n = 217)


100 (46.08)


117 (53.92)

Age (years), mean ± sd

56.12 (9.78)

HBsAg, n (%)


16 (7.37)


201 (92.62)

HBeAg, n (%), n = 119


85 (71.43)


34 (28.57)

HBV DNA, n (%), n = 103


41 (39.81)


62 (60.19)

HCV, n (%)


210 (96.77)


7 (3.23)

Platelets × 103 (mm3), median (range)

190.5 (57, 568)

AFP-pre (ng/mL), median (range), n = 185

16.8 (0.89, 82,392)

AFP-post (ng/mL), median (range), n = 125

3.48 (0.83, 19,629)

Tumor size (cm), median (range), n = 216

4.5 (0.5, 26.5)

  < 5

120 (55.56)

  ≥ 5

96 (44.44)

Number of tumors, n (%)


166 (77.57)


48 (22.43)

Microvascular invasion, n (%)


170 (79.44)


44 (20.56)

Stage, n (%)


138 (63.59)

 II or higher

79 (36.41)

Resection margin, n (%), n = 185

 free margin

176 (95.14)

 positive margin

9 (4.86)

Operation type, n (%)


129 (59.45)


88 (40.55)

Preoperative neoadjuvant, n (%), n = 164


92 (56.10)


72 (43.90)

Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, median (range), n = 203

101.8 (30.9, 432.8)

Prognostic nutritional index, mean ± sd n = 206

95.18 (40.21)

Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, median (range), n = 201

1.77 (0.33, 10.62)

Antiviral treatment


65 (29.95)


152 (70.05)

Antiviral drug, n (%)


7 (3.23)


125 (57.60)


44 (20.28)


20 (9.22)

Antiplatelet treatment (ASA + Clopidogrel)


199 (91.71)


18 (8.29)

Recurrence, n (%)


113 (52.07)


104 (47.93)

Follow-up time (months), median (range)

36.33 (0.23, 149.07)

  1. AFP alpha-fetoprotein, ASA aspirin, HCV hepatitis C virus, sd standard deviation